On screen, these cartoon and anime series may look similar to many people, as a majority of the world considers reading comics and manga a waste of time but this macroscopic perspective seems to have no effect upon anime/cartoon lovers as every coming year strengthens their numbers and their relationship with this virtual universe. Many people in different regions of the world consider that these shows are meant to be for Children however the characters of many protagonists which seem to be a part of many such series is not a healthy content for young viewers. Rather than that the amount of sexual content that seems to be the part of a characters designs also does not seems appropriate for the younger generation but somehow this is not the case with Adults. Marvel and DC universe superheroes are not even close to anime when it comes to their destructive powers and great story plots. Anime series always seem to be exaggerating in every manner of life according to their storylines. When they are powerful they can be seen destroying planets e.g Goku from Dragon ball series, when they become relentless even death is like a tool for them e.g Light Yagami from Death Note. Anime universe is full of such contents that seems to amaze its viewers every time they see it.
Please feel free to give your own opinion in the comments about which characters should be compared or which ones are more powerful. Here is our comparison between the two Most Powerful and Amazing characters from both the anime and cartoon UNIVERSE, however, this is our opinion about these virtual universes.
- Plot
- Upbringing
- Relation to culture.
Both of these characters revolve around a similar plot where their planets are destroyed and they are sent to Earth by their father to fulfill their destinies. However there are many different concepts of the storyline when it comes to Superman as the character has been reinvented by its writers many times, this confuses the viewers as the majority of the fan base depends upon the recent reinvention of the DC cinematic Universe, however, there are many who know exactly what happens in which storyline. Although when it comes to Goku the characters seem to have only a single plot around which the whole story evolves. This makes the story of Goku more interesting and attracting as viewers have a better and complete understanding of the character, a long chain of series has created an emotional attachment between the viewers and Goku however in case of Superman the writers haven't achieved their goal quite properly.
The upbringing of these characters unlike their plot is different but when it comes to Superman the story again becomes confusing. Superman has been raised differently but commonly seen being raised by a farm family from where he starts his journey, he is seen struggling throughout his childhood as he understands his abilities and learns to use them for the betterment of mankind. In case of Goku, he was raised by a person who he called his Grandpa and the same man was killed unintentionally by his own raw strength, however, Goku was able to understand his abilities faster than Superman. Both of these characters are seen getting stronger, Goku has developed new abilities and powers with time but Superman has been unable to do so. He has a number of abilities but has not been able to develop any new abilities or powers. Goku also aids his strength with different things such as weapons and medicine as many other anime characters. Anime is always known for their Bizarre and overpowered weapons with exceptional abilities many of such swords, blades and weapons can be observed in reality on various conventions around the Globe, wielded by cos-players which are bought or prepared on custom orders for such performances only.
When it comes to relationships with their cultures both of these superhuman characters seem to have a relatively stronger bond with Earth, they care for it even more than normal humans, they respected the traditions around which they were raised and so nothing can be said regarding this matter of their storylines as both have endless compassion towards Earth.
Goku seems to be better than Superman in many ways and apparently has a better storyline and character design. Until now Goku has been able to protect the honor of its Industry, Fans, and Creators. As a bonus for reading our blog and spreading the word in the hood, we provide you with a Proof that shows Goku is better than Superman and can beat him anytime.
How about your views. Let us see what you have to say, care to share your own opinion?!
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